"If you think there’s a feature missing in the mod our you’ve encountered a bug, please report it on our issue tracker. "We are always trying to be as transparent with our development as possible and the best way to follow our development is to just take a look at GitLab from time to time," the developers said. Enable infinite ammo, toggle hidden features. Spawn anything and everything, vehicles, characters, animals, props. Download Now What is nanos JC3:MP Nanos JC3:MP, created by nanos GbR, is a free modification bringing highly-customizable multiplayer to the Just Cause franchise. This should help a lot of people, who were not able to find their local Just Cause 3 folder. Just Cause 3 Mods Other, Player JC3 Entity Spawner JC3 Entity Spawner Description A Just Cause 3 port of my console thingy for Just Cause 4. We have changed the detection of the Just Cause 3 installation to work more reliably.Fixed custom properties of player object not getting reset properly on disconnect and getting reused for the next player.Fixed the linux server requiring LD_LIBRARY_PATH=lib to launch.The modification can be directly downloaded at the main JC3:MP homepage. Fixed audio files not playing properly in a WebUIWindow Beta 0.9 released news - Just Cause 3: Multiplayer mod for Just Cause 3 - Mod DB The Nanos JC3:MP Beta has been released featuring a full server and client release.Fixed issues in Crash Dialog, address is now displayed correctly.Fixed player getting invulnerable on teleport.Fixed player health getting restored on teleport.Fixed DrawRect not working in 2d render mode.Fixed mouse leave event not working properly.SetOccupant now teleports the player if the vehicle is not in streaming range.Added functions to interact with a specific WebUIWindow.Added client side vehicle scripting (see docs for more information).Added ShowHud, HideHud and IsHudVisible to scripting API.